How to Keep Rose Bushes Upright?

Roses are some of the most expensive plants you can grow, and it is hard to keep them in good shape. However, there are a few tricks for keeping your roses healthy that will help them live longer and produce more blooms. See how even just one rose bush can be easy to care for … Read more

How to Press Seaweed?

Seaweed is one of the most important parts of any marine ecosystem. It can be used to help create and improve soil quality, provide nutrients for crops and even act as a filter for water systems. But did you know that there are some major differences between types of seaweed? Seaweed is a popular food … Read more

How to Get Rid Of Cabbage Aphids?

If you have cabbage aphids, there are a few steps to take before they destroy your veggie patch. First, identify the pests. Then treat them with an insecticidal soap solution or spray carbaryl directly on them and wait for the plants to die off completely so that it is not wasted spraying in vain while … Read more

How to Prune Annabelle Hydrangeas?

Flowers that have not been watered or given enough sunlight, wind, and water can die. Consider taking a few steps to help prevent this from happening in your own garden by pruning your plants regularly so they don’t overgrow the root system of their pots and get too heavy for them to support. The “how … Read more

How Often Do I Water Petunias?

For many plants, watering daily is enough. Other plants may need to be watered every few days or weeks. There are also those that can go for a week without needing water and then suddenly start wilting if the plant has been neglected too long.u0442 The “pictures of overwatered petunias” is a question that has … Read more

How to Plant Baby Cactus?

Cactus are hardy plants that can survive in a variety of conditions, so they’re perfect for new gardeners. And since cacti do well in low light and windy climates, there’s no shortage of places to plant them around your home or office. The key is finding the right type of succulent cactus for the area … Read more

How to Care for Petunias IN a Hanging Basket?

One way to care for your hanging baskets is by providing them with a bottom watering can. The “petunia hanging baskets dying” is a problem that many people have been having. In order to care for your petunias, you should keep them in a hanging basket.   Why are my hanging petunias dying? A: Your … Read more

How Much Rain Is Too Much After Fertilizing?

In the United States, it is recommended that homeowners fertilize their lawns. The USDNR recommends applying a half pound of fertilizer per 1,000 square feet of grass area or approximately three pounds per acre. How much rain should we expect after our application? Too much rain after fertilizing can wash away the fertilizer. It is … Read more

How to Trim a Hibiscus Tree?

Hibiscus tree flowers are a stunning example of the tropical beauty that flourishes in Hawaii. So why do so many hibiscuses grow out of control? This is because, unlike other plants, they can’t be trimmed down easily – their stems have to be removed from one plant and transplanted into another for them to bloom … Read more

How Tall Do Beefsteak Tomato Plants Get?

Tomatoes are in the same family as eggplants and peppers. All members of this plant genus share many similar features, such as a subtle “honeycomb” pattern on their leaves that resembles a honeycomb structure. Beefsteak tomato plants are a type of tomato that is grown in a pot. They grow up to 2 feet tall … Read more