How To Grow An Olive Tree In A Pot – An Insight Into Thriving Indoor Plants

Last Updated on November 16, 2022 by Guillermina

If you want to learn how to grow an olive tree in a pot this would be the perfect blog post for you! These plants make excellent specimen trees and are therefore sought after. While many types are just ornamental and never bear fruit, some are planted particularly to produce olives.

Whichever one you choose, know that these trees are incredibly attractive and will give your indoor setting or patio an exotic atmosphere. Therefore, growing them in pots is advantageous. This is especially true if you don’t have room for a whole tree in your yard or if the temperature in your region is too chilly.

Learn how to cultivate an olive tree in a pot and more about caring for them by reading the information below. It will be well worth your time if you are aiming to have a thriving olive pot plant!

Do Olive Trees Grow Well In Pots?

The answer is yes, olive trees grow exceptionally well in pots if given the right conditions, care, and maintenance. These plants are excellent for container living because of their high adaptability and tolerance to drought. Spring is the perfect time to begin planting as they tend to thrive in the following seasons. These plants prefer rocky, exceptionally well-draining soil that supports their root system.

 Do olive trees grow well in pots?

Knowing how to grow an olive tree in a pot will be advantageous and possibly save you time and money if you decide to do so. It makes sense to grow them this way whether you want to add them to your garden for their exotic silver leaves or as a feature within your home. Keep in mind that these plants do have certain demands to thrive and cannot tolerate temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius.

Putting them in a pot allows you to transfer them to a prime location or even indoors if the weather is expected to turn extremely cold. This will give you better control to maintain them and keep up their health. A potted olive tree can be versatile and fit in the smallest growing space indoors. Another benefit of portability is that you can take your plant with you when you decide to move as one planted in the ground will have to be left behind.

How do you Care for an Olive Tree in a Pot?

Although olive trees require little require attention and care once established, when grown in pots, they should not be neglected for extended periods of time. This is because without proper knowledge of how to grow an olive tree in a pot, the risk of viruses and pests increases! To avoid this, you should implement the following steps to help them thrive.

Here are some important guidelines to ensure you have a healthy olive tree:

1. Watering

One of the most important things when growing olive trees in pots is to ensure that you don’t overwater them. Although they need a good amount of moisture to grow their best, soggy soil will cause root rot. Therefore, allowing the soil to dry between waterings is recommended to keep them healthy

 How do you care for an olive tree in a pot?
2. Fertilizing

It is best to use granular fertilizer for your olive plant. Start fertilizing in the second year of growth as your tree should be well established by this time. Early feeding is not recommended as it can flaw your plant’s growth. You can also choose to use a liquid fertilizer when watering, with two-week intervals with each application.

3. Trimming

It is essential to trim or prune your plants to encourage new growth and keep them thriving. When doing this, ensure that you’re careful not to chop off too much. Getting rid of dry or wilted leaves and stems that appear damaged is the correct way to cut them back. Keep in mind that pruning should be done during the spring season for favorable results.

4. Soil

Olive plants require nutrient-rich soil with exceptional drainage properties to enhance their growth and keep them healthy. You would first need to ensure that the pot you’re using has significant drainage holes to get rid of excess water. Thereafter, a good blend of potting soil with a mixture of clay granules and sand will be ideal for these trees.

5. Transplanting

Smaller olive trees can be transplanted after two years of growth while older plants should be repotted every five years. Also remember that after this time, the choice and application of fertilizer and the growing medium become much more important to the health of the tree.

 how to grow an olive tree in a pot

What Size Pot Do I Need For An Olive Tree?

The size of the pot that you choose for your olive tree is important as these plants generally thrive in containers. Concrete, ceramic, clay, wood, or plastic pots are great for them given they have drainage holes and are the correct size. You should also ensure that your tree is growing in soil that is well-structured and permeable.

If you live in an area with humid climate conditions there are a few things to consider when growing your potted plant. Firstly, by having the correct-sized container, and proper knowledge on how to grow an olive tree in a pot, you can be sure of a thriving plant. Therefore they should be grown in a tree pot that is two feet deep and two feet wide. It is best to use a decorative planting pot with drainage holes to enhance the look of your environment.

Also, putting a layer of lava rock or stone at the bottom of the planter will help prevent root rot. In my opinion, using pots made of clay and wood will work best since these materials allow the plant to breathe. This is because they offer excellent aeration. If you decide to use a smaller container, keep in mind that your plant would have to be repotted as it grows. Here’s a video on container gardening and growing an olive tree. 

How Often Should You Water Olive Trees in Pots?

The olive tree requires constant watering because it is not a desert plant. This is because if it is left without water for an extended period of time, it may not bear any fruit. Keep in mind that should this occur, chances are that your plant is under immense stress and needs hydration. Listed below are a few valuable points that you should consider when growing these beneficial fruit trees.


Firstly, you should keep in mind that younger trees are usually more susceptible to drying out than mature ones.
In the early stages of growth, it is best to water newly planted olive trees every third day. After about two weeks, you should cut down to feeding your plant once per week.
If you have a mature olive tree and it is kept in a pot, you will need to water it every 3-5 days during the hot season.
It is important to remember that an olive tree’s leaves can drop off due to both overwatering and underwatering.
If the leaves have begun to dry out, change color, or turn brown or yellow, this may be a sign that the plant is lacking hydration.
A good understanding of their watering requirements is a vital part of understanding how to grow an olive tree in a pot to ensure that they stay healthy and happy.


Olive trees produce oxygen, increase humidity, and absorb toxins, which help to purify and clean the air in their indoor surroundings. This is an excellent plant to have if your want to liven up your interior as aside from its beauty, it offers several other benefits as seen above.

 What size pot do I need for an olive tree?

However, its health and growth will also heavily depend on the amount of knowledge you have on how to grow an olive tree in a pot. Their versatility allows them to be a part of either a large or small growing space, making them ideal for any environment. But, proper care and maintenance should be implemented diligently to keep them thriving.

You can maintain your tree’s health and productivity for many years with a little love, care, and an abundance of sunlight. Due to the longevity of olive trees, your patio or living room plant may continue to grow for a few centuries. Use the guidelines in this article as it offers great insight into how to grow an olive tree in a pot. If you want to learn more about growing olives, here’s an informative link to look into.