How to Grow Joshua Tree From Seed – A Step-By-Step Guide!

Last Updated on September 16, 2022 by Griselda M.

This guide will teach you how to grow the Joshua tree from seed step by step to ensure you grow yours the same way.

The Joshua Tree is native to the Southwestern US and is a member of the Asparagaceae (asparagus) family. This tree is native to the Southwest US and Mexico and can be found growing in rocky or sandy areas.

How to Grow Joshua Tree From Seed

To start growing your own Joshua tree you will need to have an outdoor area to plant your seed. You may also need a location to grow your seedlings indoors or in a greenhouse. You may want to invest in some shade cloth to protect your seedlings from direct sunlight and heat.

Also, make sure you have enough space for your plants to grow. You will also need to use a lot of water when growing your plants.

Step 1: Prepare your environment

Before planting your seeds you will need to prepare your environment for them to thrive. You will need to choose a spot for your plants to grow in that is not too cold. The soil should be almost sandy and gritty.

You will also want to make sure you have room to water your plants. Make sure the ground you plan to plant in is free of rocks, roots, and other debris.

Step 2: Seed preparation

When growing Joshua trees from seed start by preparing the seeds. You will need to prepare your seeds by removing any dirt from the seed. These particular seeds need a chilling period of around three months.

Once chilled, you can then soak your seeds in a solution of water and fertilizer. You should be able to tell when the seeds are done soaking because they will start to sprout. After your seeds are soaked, you can plant them in your garden with at least two inches of soil.


Learn more about: How To Grow A Cherimoya Tree From Seed?

Step 3: Seed planting

To plant your seeds you will want to make sure they are fully watered. You can do this by using a spray bottle filled with water. If you have a garden hose you can also use it.

Once your seeds are watered you will want to place them in the ground in a hole that is at least two inches deep. You will want to make sure the soil is moist, but not soggy.

Step 4: Watering

Once your seed has been planted you will want to water your plants to keep them from drying out. This will help them grow faster and stronger. It will also give you a better chance of having healthy plants in your garden.

To water your plants you will want to use a spray bottle. You can use a hose to water your plants if you have one.

Step 5: Fertilizing

To keep your plants growing strong you will want to fertilize them regularly. You can fertilize your plants using fertilizer. Make sure you don’t put too much fertilizer on the plants, because this can kill them. An annual dose of fertilizer should be enough. This plant does not need regular feeding.

How to Grow Joshua Tree From Seed – Care and Maintenance

Joshua trees are one of the most widespread and abundant plants in North America. This is how to take care of them.


These desert-adapted trees grow best in well-drained soil with full sun and at least 2 gallons of water 1-2 times per week, particularly in the warmer months.


The Joshua tree’s deep taproot helps it survive on sandy soils and is vital to its survival. They can grow up to 60 feet tall, but in most cases grow only to 30 feet or less. The soil should be sandy and almost gritty for best results.


The best place to plant a Joshua tree is on a well-drained site with full sun and ample space for it to grow.

Take Home – How to Grow Joshua Tree From Seed

As you learn how to grow a Joshua tree from seed it is important to note that in some areas, Joshua trees are protected by law, and this can limit the number of trees that are planted. The average lifespan of a Joshua tree is 100 years, although there have been cases where trees have lived longer than 100 years. Some researchers believe that the average is closer to 150 years. If you plan to plant a Joshua tree, it is best to wait until after the first frost so that the tree has time to establish itself.

Read more about: How To Grow A Spruce Tree From Seed

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Harvest Joshua Tree Seeds?

Gather the pods just before winter time. Leave the pods to dry and once dry, crush them to release the seeds. Once released, keep in bags of damp sand in the fridge for best results.

Do Joshua Trees Have Seeds?

Yes. They are the most widespread tree in North America and they do have seeds.

How Long Does it Take to Grow a Joshua Tree?

Joshua trees are known for growing incredibly slowly. In fact, it can take fifty years for them to even reach maturity!

Can I Grow Joshua Tree Inside?

No. This plant will not thrive inside because of the living conditions it needs to flourish. It's best to keep this particular plant outside for best results.