How to Grow a Loquat Tree From a Seed?

Last Updated on May 9, 2022 by Griselda M.

Do you know how to grow a loquat tree from a seed and what care to give the tree until it matures and produces fruits? In this article, we will look at all that.

Loquats are in the same family as plum and apricot trees. They have large fruits with a juicy pulp that is often used to make jelly and preserves. Loquats are in season during spring and summer. This makes them popular among gardeners who like fruits that can be grown indoors or outdoors.

There are two varieties of loquat trees; the Chinese loquat and the Japanese loquat. The Chinese loquat grows more slowly and bears its fruits late in the season. The Japanese loquat has larger fruits and bears them earlier than the Chinese loquat. It is also much easier to grow because it does not require as much care as the Chinese loquat.

How to Grow a Loquat Tree From a Seed?

When you plant a loquat tree, you should follow a set of instructions that are given by the tree’s manufacturer. The manufacturer will give you directions on how to plant the seeds, when to fertilize the soil and how to protect the young trees. You should also be aware that loquat trees are very sensitive to weather conditions.

When you plant a loquat tree, it is advisable to plant it in an area where there is a lot of sun. Loquats require lots of sunlight for optimal growth. If you do not give your tree enough sunlight, it will not grow well.

Loquats can grow in soil that is rich in humus. Loquats are also tolerant of sandy soils. The soil should be well-drained so that the roots can breathe. Loquats should also be planted in fertile, well-drained soils.

You should water loquats regularly. It is recommended that you water loquats daily. This helps to keep the leaves clean and free of diseases. If you notice that your loquat tree is showing symptoms of disease, you should consult your local nursery or garden center for assistance.

Growing Loquats From Seeds

  • Sow your seeds indoors or on the germination trays

Cover with perlite and place in a warm (70°F) spot, but do not let the temperature rise above 75°F. Water regularly and fertilize with a water-soluble fertilizer. Seeds need light to germinate. If you can’t get them out of the direct sun, use fluorescent bulbs. Loquat trees grow slowly and produce heavy crops of fruit when they are well established.

  • Transplant your seedings

After about two weeks, transplant the seedlings to 4-inch (10-cm) pots. Once the plants have two true leaves, they’re ready for the garden. The best time to plant is late March or early April. If you have access to a greenhouse, transplant your seedlings there as soon as they’re big enough to handle it.

Transplanting seedlings in a greenhouse will give you more control over the growing conditions and the plants will be less likely to become stressed from the transplanting process. When you transplant your loquat trees, space them 18 inches apart in rows 30 inches apart.

  • Watering Loquat seedlings

Loquat trees require frequent watering once they have been planted. In the fall, you should water them until the ground freezes.

  • Fertilizing

Fertilize the plants at least twice a month.  Use a balanced fertilizer that contains all the essential nutrients for a plant. If you use a chemical fertilizer, apply it at least two weeks before transplanting.

  • Keep the temperature at 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C)

Seeds germinate within 14 to 28 days. Root cuttings can also be used. Loquat trees do not have strong root systems, so they cannot withstand cold weather. So, they should be transplanted in the spring.

Loquat trees are usually self-pollinating, but you can increase the number of flowers by cross-pollinating them with another variety. The flowers should be pollinated before they begin to open. If you do not cross-pollinate your loquats, they will not bear fruit.

Loquat Fruit

The fruit of a loquat tree is like a kumquat, but larger and yellowish. When fully ripe, the fruit turns from green to yellow and becomes soft and juicy. Ripe fruits are usually harvested in late fall or early winter and stored in the refrigerator until the following spring.

Harvesting Loquat Fruit

Harvest your loquats when they are firm, with no sign of soft spots or wrinkles. Loquats ripen on the tree, so they don’t need to be picked and stored. To make sure you get the most out of your loquat harvest, remove all the fruit before it goes bad.

When picking loquats, try to choose fruits that are completely ripe as they are more flavorful. will help preserve the fruit’s flavor.  Loquats can remain on the tree until spring, but they’ll keep their flavor longer if you store them in the refrigerator. Ripe loquat fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

What can I do with loquat seeds


It is essential to learn how to grow a loquat tree from a seed as it will help you learn the basics of growing this friendly fruit tree.

The main goal of this article is to teach you how to grow a healthy loquat tree from a seed in the easiest way possible. This is a very important tree to have around as it can be grown from seed and produces delicious fruit.  The best time to start a loquat tree from seed is in the spring when the ground is warm and the soil is moist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are loquat true to seed?

Loquats are known for their large fruits and high levels of tannins. The seeds of loquats are smaller than the fruits but are often larger than the seeds of other fruit trees.

Will a loquat tree grown from seed produce fruit?

If the loquat is grown from seed, it will bear fruit. However, there may be problems with seed germination, and the trees may not produce well. Loquats are slow-growing trees that require several years of growth before they are productive.

How do you prepare loquat seeds for planting?

Loquat seeds should be treated with an inert, non-toxic fungicide. This can be accomplished by soaking the seeds in a solution of fungicide for 30 minutes prior to planting.

What can I do with loquat seeds?

Seeds may be planted in containers in a greenhouse or shade house, but loquat seeds require very cold temperatures to germinate. They will also require a period of cold stratification to allow for dormancy to break down. Loquat seeds are dormant and need a period of cold stratification of 3 to 6 months in order for them to germinate.