How to Get Rid Of Bugs on African Violets?

Last Updated on February 12, 2022 by Sam

African violets are one of the most popular houseplants in America, with a wide range of color and form. Now some gardeners have found that they can identify pests by looking for black spots on their leaves. With warm temperatures outside and inside air conditioning, African violets need plenty of light to stay healthy.

African violets are beautiful flowers that require a lot of care and attention. They can be difficult to grow and maintain, but if you follow these steps then your African violet will be less likely to have bugs on it.

Why does my African violet have bugs?

A: African violets are prone to bugs because they have a lot of surface area for the insects to feed on. It is best to avoid planting them in areas where there are many bugs and instead plant them in an area with less bugs, like indoors.

How do you get rid of spider mites on African Violets?

A: Spider mites are a type of pest that feed on the sap from African violets. To get rid of them, you need to spray your plants with water and then use a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol to wipe away any remaining bugs.

How do you get rid of whiteflies on African violets?

A: There are many ways to get rid of whiteflies on African violets. One way is to use a spray bottle and water, but this can be very messy. Another way is to put the African violet in a pot with some soil and plant it outside.

How do you get rid of bugs on plants naturally?

A: There are a few different ways to get rid of bugs on plants naturally. One way is to spray your plants with water, which will knock the bugs off and kill them. Another way is to use a bug zapper, which will kill the bugs by electrocution.


African violets are a type of flower that can be difficult to grow. They require special care and attention in order to thrive. One way to get rid of bugs on African violets is by using insecticidal soap or neem oil. Reference: how to get rid of cyclamen mites on african violets.

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