Last Updated on September 19, 2022 by Griselda M.
Growing a bonsai tree is easy if you can first know the answer to the question, how long does it take to grow a bonsai tree from seed?
Bonsai trees are very beautiful and can be used for decorating your living or workspace. They also make a great gift for your friends and family. Bonsai trees require very good care and attention, which is why it is best to buy them from reputable nurseries or know how to grow your own with a lot of love and care. There are many bonsai trees that you can buy online, but the thing is that there is no standard as to what the price should be.
Therefore, you must research what exactly you need before buying. Did you know you can grow your tree from seed? But how long does it take to grow a bonsai tree from seed? We will demystify all these mysteries in this article.
What is Bonsai?
Bonsai is the Japanese art of training miniature trees in containers. It requires great attention and care to be able to grow a bonsai tree successfully. Developing a beautiful bonsai takes a lot of patience, skill, and practice.
A few bonsai enthusiasts have mastered this art over the years and created some beautiful trees. Many bonsai enthusiasts are interested in starting their bonsai garden.
So, How Long Does It Take To Grow a Bonsai Tree From Seed?
A bonsai tree that has been provided with all the best growing conditions normally takes between 5 and 10 years to grow after it’s transplanted into its final growing place.
A tree that is not given the best growing conditions may take more than a decade to become fully established and healthy. Bonsai trees thrive in moist but well-drained soils, that have been amended with compost and fertilizers.
Bonsai trees are usually grown from cuttings taken from plants that have been grown in large pots, or from seed.
How To Grow a Bonsai Tree From Seed – Step-By-Step!
Growing bonsai from seed? Here are the steps you need to follow
Step 1: Start by collecting the seeds
Collect only mature seeds and not the ones that have been shed or dropped on the ground. If you do not have anywhere to collect the seeds, buy some from the online market or your nearest garden supplies. Be sure to ask what species they are.
Step 2: Prepare the seeds
You may choose to dry them, but it is not necessary. Just make sure that you store the seeds in a clean and airtight container.
Step 3: Soak the seeds
Before planting the seeds, make sure to soak them in water. This will help to soften and rehydrate them so that they can germinate with more ease. You may soak the seeds for at least 24 hours before planting them in the soil.
Step 4: Plant the seeds
When planting, make sure that you plant only one seed per hole. Make sure to keep the seedling away from direct sunlight, as this will cause it to die. You may use a small stick or your finger to help you make the hole to plant the seed.
Step 5: Watering
As mentioned before, the seed will absorb water through its roots. Make sure to water the seedling regularly. Make sure the soil stays moist but not soggy to prevent rot.
Step 6: Wait for germination
It takes anywhere between 7 and 14 days for a seed to germinate. Be patient and do not be tempted to hurry things along by planting multiple seeds at once.
Step 7: Transplant the seedlings
Once your seeds have germinated and the seedlings have been established, you may now transplant them into a pot where they will be able to grow. You can also transplant them into your garden. Make sure you choose a good spot where the seedlings will receive sufficient but not too much sunlight, and where they will not be competing for nutrients with other plants in your garden.
Step 8: Water regularly
The key to successful gardening is to water regularly and consistently. The amount of water you give your plants depends on the weather. In general, it should be about 1 inch per week. If it is raining, you can water less frequently. You can also use a soaker hose to help water the soil without running off too quickly. When you water, try to keep the leaves on your plants dry. This will help prevent fungus from growing on your plants.
Step 9: Fertilize
Fertilizers are crucial to helping your plants grow well. You can buy them at a nursery, or you can make your own using a combination of compost and other organic matter. Try to fertilize when your plants when that are still growing.
Step 10: Prune your plants
Pruning your plants is very important. It helps them to become bushy and more attractive. It also keeps them healthy and prevents diseases.
Your tree will continue thriving throughout the bonsai tree growth stages as you provide it with the above growing conditions.
Take-Home; How Long Does It Take To Grow a Bonsai Tree From Seed?
We hope the information provided in this article is enough to answer the question ‘how long does it take to grow a bonsai tree from seed’, and also help you grow your own bonsai. In a few years, you will have a beautiful bonsai tree in your backyard if you provide it with the right growing conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How fast do bonsai trees grow from seed?
It takes several years for bonsai trees to reach a mature size. In fact, most bonsai trees are grown from seedlings and then given their final shape when they reach maturity. In the case of a new seedling, it may take as little as 5 years to reach the height of a 10-year-old tree, or even longer in some cases.
What is the easiest bonsai tree to grow from seed?
The easiest tree to grow from seed is probably the Chinese juniper (Juniperus Chinensis). It is hardy and fast-growing. It will grow well in most soils and climates. It is also easy to propagate from cuttings, so if you are unable to find a seedling, you can easily create one yourself.