How Long Does a Tamarind Tree Take To Grow?

Last Updated on September 19, 2022 by Griselda M.

Wondering “how long does a tamarind tree take to grow?” And what growing conditions you should provide for them?

Tamarind is a fruit that is similar to dates. However, dates have a sweet taste and are more suitable for drinking. Tamarind, on the other hand, is sour and bitter and is used to make jams, sauces, and pickles.

Tamarind trees are evergreen trees that can grow to 20 m tall. They have a straight trunk and grey-green leaves with yellowish-white undersides. The fruit is a pod containing four or more seeds.

They are native to tropical regions of Africa. Tamarinds have been cultivated in many other tropical regions of the world for thousands of years.

In India, they are grown in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka states. Tamarind fruits are used for making pickles, and chutneys, and as an ingredient in traditional medicines. Tamarind trees require plenty of sunshine and good drainage, so they are planted in well-drained soil.

Tamarind trees grow very slowly. The fruit is ripened from March to May, and then it is harvested by hand or by machine. Once harvested, the tamarind pods are dried and stored for up to a year.

The dried fruit is ground to make tamarind powder. Tamarind powder is used as an ingredient in many Indian dishes and sweet snacks. It is also used as a natural preservative, flavoring agent, and stabilizer.

In this article, we will talk about how long a tamarind tree takes to grow and what growing conditions you should provide for them.

How Long Does a Tamarind Tree Take To Grow?

Tamarind trees are slow-growing. Even at eight years old they may still be growing. They may fruit in the first three to four years of their lives but most will only produce fruit when they are about eight years old.

This time however can also be dependent on the method of propagation employed. Tamarind trees that have been vegetatively propagated may produce fruit in half the time.

The life span of an average tamarind tree is very long, and these trees can live for up to 200 years.

What Kind Of Tamarind Tree Should You Buy?

The type of tamarind tree you buy is based on how much it costs and whether or not it’s been grafted. If it’s been grafted, it will cost you more. Grafted trees will have two new trunks that look like branches.

The grafting process involves cutting out a branch from one tamarind tree and merging it with another. Tamarind trees are usually sold in nurseries or online. You can tell the quality of a tree by how much it costs and whether it has been grafted or not.

Growing Conditions

Tamarind trees require plenty of sunshine, good drainage, and fertile soil. They prefer daytime temperatures of between 20-35 degrees celsius, but can tolerate 15-45 degrees celsius.  They need plenty of direct sunlight daily.

Space plants 2.5 meters (8 feet) apart in a sunny location. They can also be grown in a greenhouse.

When planting seeds, use a small amount of soilless growing medium, such as peat moss, perlite, or vermiculite. Seeds should be planted in small cups and kept moist for two weeks until the seedlings emerge. Young tamarind trees can be grown in pots. After planting, give the tree about a month to adjust to its new environment before transferring it to the garden.

Trees will grow best if you water them regularly. The soil around the roots must be moist but not soggy. Watering needs can vary depending on the size of the plant and the weather.

Fertilization. Tamarind trees require plenty of sun, good drainage, and fertile soil. To increase growth, apply a balanced fertilizer to the soil around the roots.

Pruning. Prune tamarind trees in spring when they are dormant. Cut back branches that are dead, damaged, or crossing each other.

Harvesting Tamarind

Tamarind fruits should be allowed to ripen on the tree before they are harvested. The outer shell of the fruit will be dry when the fruits have ripened. You can then store your fruits in the refrigerator until you are ready to use them, or use them immediately after harvest. You can also dry the fruits for use in cooking or add them to salads.

Wash and dry the tamarind fruits before you cut them. Remove the outer skin with a knife. Cut the fruits into small pieces, then soak in water for about half an hour. Drain and squeeze the water from the tamarind fruits.

Use the tamarind pulp in salad dressings, curries, chutneys, pickles, soups, and desserts. Add the tamarind pulp to your favorite salad dressing or curry and let it infuse for about 20 minutes.

Strain out the tamarind pulp and use the liquid as a dressing. Tamarind seeds are used as a spice in cooking. They have a rich, earthy flavor and add a sweet-sour taste to dishes.

Take-home – How Long Does a Tamarind Tree Take To Grow?

The above article has not only answered the question of how long does a tamarind tree takes to grow but rather the entire journey of growing tamarind.  This information will help you make the right decisions when growing this tree.

where does tamarind grow

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many years does a tamarind tree live?

Tamarind trees live for a very long time. The average tree can live for anywhere between 80-200 years.

How long does it take the tamarind fruit to mature?

The tamarind fruit matures about one year after pollination. However, if you leave your tamarind tree in the wild, it will fruit every year. Tamarind fruit is a good source of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. The fruit is also rich in antioxidants. The seed pods are also used as medicine for diabetes and stomach ulcers.

Can you grow tamarind from cuttings?

Yes, you can. Tamarind trees can be grown from cuttings. You can make a cutting in the spring or fall by trimming the stem at ground level. Keep the cuttings moist until they root. If you want to plant a new tree, use only healthy-looking roots, and don't plant near another tree. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun. After two to four years, you can start harvesting tamarind fruit.

Where does tamarind grow?

Tamarind is native to tropical countries of Africa. It can be found growing in the wild in India, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, and Africa. Tamarind trees are widely cultivated in Southeast Asia and West Africa.

How to plant tamarind seeds indoors?

Prepare a seedling container. Fill it with potting soil, and then place the seeds in it. Cover the seeds with more potting soil. Water the seeds every few days until they sprout. You can transplant the seedlings into larger containers after they sprout.

2. Water the plants daily. When the plants are about 10 inches tall, add fertilizer. Water again to keep the plants healthy.

3. When the plants are about 20 inches tall, transplant them to their respective pots. Water the plants every few days until the soil is dry.

4. Keep the plants well-watered during the summer months. When the flowers develop, pinch out the stem tips. These will form new tamarind fruit.

5. Pick the tamarind fruit when it's ripe. The fruit will be bright yellow and turn brown as it ripens. Store the fruit in a cool, dry place. What is the best time to plant tamarind seeds?